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the laser printing process: how does it work?

by:QUESTT     2020-08-06
Laser printers are known for their reliability, speed and quality.
They are also known as competitors for inkjet printers.
Although the cost difference between the laser printer and the inkjet printer is very large (
Higher cost due to laser printer)
The price gap has narrowed over the years.
The two printers are now equally affordable;
It\'s just a question of choosing the right one for you.
Unlike inkjet printers, laser printers project images onto a piece of paper using a highly focused beam. A selenium-
The coated drum is charged to attract Toner and transfer it to paper or other print paper.
The laser printer goes through the so-called laser printing process.
From the printing you click on your computer to the paper the laser printer passes through, there are six stages from the printer.
The first phase of the cleaning laser printing process is the cleaning phase.
The cleaning phase prepares the photosensitive drum through physical and electrical processes to remove previously printed images. A rubber-
Clean the blade to remove the excess toner on the drum and scrape it into the debris cavity.
The hot roller is lubricated to ensure that enough heat is applied evenly to deliver the next image printed.
The electrostatic erase lamp also neutralizes the charge left on the drum in the previously printed image.
Once the drum is cleaned and neutralised, the second phase of the laser printing process can begin.
Adjusting the drum is basically applying negative electricity on the drum.
When the paper passes through an electric motion sickness or transfer roller, a charge is also applied to the paper.
This prepares the paper for the transmission phase by allowing the electrostatic transmission image.
The third stage of writing in the printing process is called the stage of writing or exposure.
At this stage, the laser or beam shines on the drum.
Where the light shines on the drum, the charge will dissipate to the center of the ground drum.
Basically, the negative power in some areas is removed, while the negative power in other areas is higher.
The fourth stage, also known as the development stage, allows the conversion of electrostatic images into visible images on the drum.
The area exposed to the laser in the previous stage was covered with toner.
The area with negative electricity will reject carbon powder.
The transfer phase is the fifth stage of the laser printing process, transferring the toner image static to the paper.
The carbon powder with positive electricity is attracted by the paper with negative electricity, which allows the image to be transmitted to the paper and become a visible image. Fusingeval(ez_write_tag([[300,250], \'Brighthub _ combox-
4\', \'ezslot_0\', 265, \'0\']));
The final step in the laser printing process is the fuse stage.
The paper and toner on the paper are heated by the fuser assembly.
The toner melts on the paper that absorbs the toner to maintain the image on the paper.
This forms a permanent image from the printer and also explains why the printed paper is warm when it exits the printer.
Once a new printed document is sent to the printer, the process will be restarted from phase 1.
Picture credits: Wikimedia Commons/titoxx69 reference: Harris, Tom.
\"How does the laser printer work,\" Barry.
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