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lasers \'weld\' damaged arteries

by:QUESTT     2020-08-03
1987 This is a digital version of an article from The Times Print Archive, before it starts online in 1996.
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Researchers in California have successfully tested a new way to repair damaged blood vessels, closing torn arteries with a laser instead of traditional stitching. Dr.
John Crew and doctor at the West Dayton Medical Center in San Francisco
Rodney White, US portC. L. A.
The Los Angeles hospital reported at a recent meeting of the American Heart Association that they had successfully used \"laser welding\" in 15 patients \".
The laser is a strong blue light that blends the blood vessels together without heating the blood vessels and does not seem to cause damage.
He said, \"the idea that you can blend things together with light is incredible . \"Crew.
\"I can\'t believe it every time I do it. \'\'Dr.
White pointed out that laser welding does not leave scars on blood vessels.
Using the suture line, scars can be formed, blood flow can be destroyed, and blood clots that may damage blood vessels can be attracted.
Also, stiches may fail.
This is a special problem in bypass surgery.
The crew said blood vessels in the legs were sewn into the blocked heart arteries, providing another way for blood.
Half of all these stitches.
Within five to seven years, there was no stitching on the vessel, doctor. Crew said.
Depending on the importance of the bypass to the heart tissue and the speed at which the stitches are removed, the failure of the stitches may result in death or a heart attackCrew said.
The researchers performed laser welding tests on patients with arm artery damage.
During the diagnosis, the artery is opened and the catheter reaches the heart through the artery.
In one patient, catheter insertion damaged the arteries so that laser welding did not heal.
But the researchers reported that it was preserved in 15 other locations and that the sealed arteries were working normally for four to six weeks.
A version of this article appears on page C00003 of the national edition of November 24, 1987, with the title: Laser \"welded\" damaged arteries.
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